Science Technicians Discussion List

The official badge The 'other' badge

Just a little site which features the Science Technicians Discussion Group badge.
The plain @ is the official badge designed by Valery. The rainbow @ is the 'other' badge designed by me.
If anyone wants to make one here's the instructions.
  1. Either print out this page, or copy and paste the badge picture of your choice into a draw or somesuch package on your computer (handy if you want to make a lot), then print it out.
    NB If you want the 'other' badge USE A COLOUR PRINTER!!!

  2. Carefully cut out the piccie.

  3. Cut out a piece of stiff card the same size.

  4. Stick a safety pin onto one side of the card using selotape or tacky-back (the stuff you back books with).

  5. Carefully stick the piccie onto the other side of the card using tacky back (make sure it's the right way round).

  6. ta-da!!!

Contact and Links

Last updated 19th July 2001.